Don’t Wait to Treat Heel Pain
It could get way worse…
You step out of bed in the morning and your heel hurts.
After a minute of getting your morning started the soreness subsides.
You forget about the pain until the next morning when it happens again.
And, again the next and the next…
“Dr. Google” says this must be Plantar Fasciitis.
You try a couple of usual home remedies of stretching and wearing better shoes.
A month or so passes and the morning soreness doesn’t stop.
In fact, there’s soreness now later in the day when you get up from sitting for a while.
Any time you sit for a while and get up, your heel hurts.
Now you add some home remedies like inserts and Advil…without relief!
This is the story we’ve heard hundreds of times.
Plantar Fasciitis is often stubborn to alleviate.
If you only have pain in the morning consider yourself lucky, it can get way worse.
Morning heel pain is usually an inflammation of the Plantar Fascia ligament.
If your heel starts to hurt during the day, you could have something way worse such as a small tear of the Plantar Fascia.
If your heel starts hurting at night, a nerve problem could also have developed. Ugh!
You could also have all of this unhappiness going on all at once.
Procrastinating having a foot problem checked is common.
And here in Sarasota, Bradenton and Venice Florida we love to be on our feet enjoying the wonderful weather and all the area provides in things to do.
Paying for the procrastination physically, mentally and financially isn’t uncommon when it comes to Plantar Fasciitis.
Simple solutions are plentiful when addressing foot pain early.
Avoiding the “way worse” scenario is as simple as saying yes to seeing sooner rather than later if your heel starts to hurt.